Methods for quitting smoking at home quickly

Usually, a person who decides to overcome their tobacco addiction will not turn to a professional but will try to find a way to quit smoking at home quickly and easily. There are many ways to do this - the pharmacy offers medicines, tablets, patches, sprays, traditional medicine offers a rich set of methods.

quitting smoking is a willpower and a change of mindset

However, the foundation of success will be a transformation of thinking and willpower, because even with the help of aids, nothing will work without strict self-control. Cigarettes can be given up completely in 1-2 days, many do not even need additional support. People who have done this for a long time despite smoking don’t understand how such a big problem inflates with giving up the habit. It's all about the mood.

How do you suddenly quit a habit?

Physical dependence on cigarettes is not as strong as psychological dependence. Therefore, the main job in quitting smoking must be done with attitudes and mindsets.

People who have to stop for medical reasons are able to cope with the habit in a matter of seconds - no need to tune in, suck out the last while enjoying the smoke, and crush the package dramatically. When you can choose between life and a cigarette, you know exactly how to quit smoking in 5 minutes - in which case the decision is obvious and you don’t have to think about it. However, if the consequences of smoking prolong over time and the chances of dying from cancer or heart attack are very vague, there seems to be no reason to use willpower.

It is important for a smoker to immediately motivate themselves to lead a healthy lifestyle: they will hear and realize that it is better to quit this minute than to deal with the serious consequences in five to ten years.

smoker's lungs and healthy lungs

Quit smoking in 1 day

A quick way to quit smoking is to throw away the pack and don’t touch the cigarette again. When a person is able to survive for several days without tobacco, he gains confidence in his abilities. In fact, those who have given up addiction have tremendous reason to be proud - it is truly an indicator of willpower. However, it is important not to break down in the future: the desire to pick up a cigarette again may appear in two or ten years.

The recommendation to extend cigarette cessation isn’t just for pregnant women - it’s really the best method, though it’s not easy.

The irritation of early withdrawal will soon go away - it only lasts for a few days. It is important to understand the cause of its occurrence and to control yourself. When you try to gradually get rid of the habit, there is a danger that you will not stop: there is not enough nicotine in the body, one tries to limit oneself, but from time to time he strengthens his desire by inflating. All forms of addiction have survived. The work is done the same way, only there is no result.

Knowing how to quit smoking in a day is important to consider a few nuances. The first day is easier to survive: because they have a tight schedule for themselves without a single free minute, people cope with this task almost painlessly. On the second or third day, however, the desire increases. More often, people start eating - it’s not such a bad substitute if done right.

products for detoxifying the smoker's body

You should not choose sweets, cakes, and other high-calorie foods because weight gain is a common problem faced by ex-smokers. Often girls suffer from this, while many return to the habit again only to stop improving. Snack on fresh vegetables, fruits, or just drink clean water. This helps cleanse the body of toxins that have accumulated during smoking. You have to refuse fast food, fast food - you want to smoke more after that. Alcohol must be completely eliminated first - when one gets drunk, self-control is blurred.

Reflex development

Everyone knows Pavlov and his experiment with dogs. This experience is used to create the right attitude in different life situations. For example, it can create a connection between the desire to smoke and negative emotions. A tight elastic band is placed on the wrist area that should not squeeze your hand too much to avoid disrupting the blood supply. The moment you want to smoke, you pull and release the rubber. The momentary painful change is a change and distracts from the thought of a cigarette. This is a good way to get support for those who decide to quit abruptly.

Traditional smoking methods

Traditional medicine offers a number of effective recipes to help you become a non-smoker again. But keep in mind that they won’t work without the urge to quit.

Oatmeal broth

Pour a tablespoon of flakes with 500 ml of boiling water and allow to infuse overnight. After waking up, the mixture is ignited, boiled for 10 minutes and adhered to a thermos (or wrapped container) for one hour. The resulting product is drunk during the day, along with the resulting thickening (possible without it).

Cigarettes with milk

An effective way to provoke long-term dislike for cigarettes. Cigarettes are moistened in milk and when they dry, they light up. The taste of such a tobacco product is extremely unpleasant, so the desire to smoke disappears.


Rinsing the mouth with saline reduces the urge to smoke

Rinsing your mouth with saline reduces your craving for smoking. Preparation is simple: dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a glass of boiled water. You can use it every time you want to puff.


The grandfather’s method of referring to those that really deter the urge to smoke a cigarette. This is a hard and extremely inconvenient method for those who have not developed willpower. Shake all the tobacco out of the cigarette and mix it with chopped nails. The smell of smoking such a cigarette is so disgusting that it deters the urge to smoke.


Alienated from some other methods, he turns to magic. The conspiracies that the person reads are actually the same new psychological attitudes that replace the old ones. There is nothing wrong with them - just displaying a different kind of information to the brain. You can find ready-made texts on the internet or gather yourself, read them every time you want to take a smoke break.

turned to magic when frustrated with other ways to quit smoking

4 stinky breaths

The technique is used to provoke aversion to smoke. People smoke because they get pleasant feelings from the process - relaxation, a sense of peace. The point of the technique is to make these feelings as uncomfortable as possible.

When inhaled, the smoke is held in the mouth and chewed with the mouth closed, head back. After 30 seconds we take a deep breath - the smoke enters the lungs. At this point you want to cough and nausea appears, but the steps need to be repeated 2 more times.

In the 4th bloating, the lungs should be completely filled with smoke, then the person will clear his throat, strain his abdominal muscles. The date and time the method was applied are written on the package. You can no longer smoke after this. As a last resort, you can repeat the "chewing" of the smoke.

Switch to electronic cigarettes

Vape is not the best substitute for regular cigarettes, but it is still a fairly effective method. First, a person reduces the amount of nicotine in the mixture, then acquires nicotine-free fluids, and then abandons this habit altogether. However, not all of them are going according to plan. Psychological addiction can persist and in some cases people return to smoking again.

Vape is not the best substitute for regular cigarettes


The effectiveness of the method has never been confirmed. It’s more like something like a placebo, but it helps some people cope with addiction. Hypnosis is used to change attitudes: first thoughts and then actions change. A consciously living person is able to change his or her attitude on his or her own without the intervention of a doctor.


You can find books and tutorials on the Internet about how to quit smoking forever. However, not everyone needs it. In this case, the problem exists only because the person creates it himself. Smoking is not comparable to alcoholism or drug addiction: you don’t have to tie yourself to a battery while waiting for torment to begin. It is enough to think about whether in 10 years you want to not be able to go up to the second floor without shortness of breath, get infertility, impotence, participate in chemotherapy.